Library Welcome Area + Orientation Gallery

Reframing an opaque institution into a national public resource


Library of Congress,
Washington D.C.

Visioning Phase

Fall 2020


Visioning Lead by Cassandra Cortez Gerardo in collaboration with:
Studio Joseph (exhibition design), Bluecadet (media design), and Slover Linett (audience research)



Despite the Library of Congress’s prominence as a national institution, research conducted by an outside consultant shows that a vast number of Americans and International tourists had little knowledge to articulate what the Library contains or which services it provides aside from helping Congress.

In addition, a long and confusing underground tunnel from the Capitol Building to the Library’s main building disoriented many visitors upon arriving at a different institution. To better orient visitors while showing them what the Library has to offer, it is creating a new main entrance that will include a new welcome area and an orientation gallery.


Lacking a singular curator, the Library sought outside help to define and plan the two new welcome spaces. Before jumping into the design portion of these two phases, my team worked with the Library of Congress’s internal stakeholders to define the Library’s values, the desired visitor experience, the look and feel of the spaces, and the overarching narratives within the gallery. 




During this phase, I worked as the Visioning lead and collaborated with my team at Studio Joseph.


As learning the inner workings of the library were key to thinking about the experience, I conducted 16 individual interviews with key Library of Congress staff. Each interview was bespoke to the interviewee’s expertise and covered everything from the visitor experience and unique research inquiries to learning the facets of the Congressional Research Service. These interviews were indispensable for learning about past approaches to visitor engagement, the Library’s collections, and stakeholders’ goals. My team and I used this content to develop three Visioning workshops. 

Staff Interviewee Demographics
16 interviewees from 9 departments


Visioning Workshops 1 + 2


Visioning Workshop 1 + 2 Participant Demographics
18 participants from 13 departments

Visioning Workshop 3



The phase culminated in a document of synthesized findings and recommendations for direction during the concept phase.

We were also able to establish an internal content task force to help lead the curatorial end of the project.

The team was able to proceed into the concept phase with a narrative direction and content buckets to help better plan the interactive experiences and spatial layout. My team gained a clearer understanding of the Library’s intention within each space and the visitor experiences that were desired. Through the workshops, the Library’s stakeholders were better able to articulate the desired aesthetics and overall look and feel of the spaces, removing the guesswork as we moved into the concept phase.